Thursday, October 7, 2010

Downtown Meeting

My company scheduled an all hands meeting for our team. Food was going to be provided. But it was going to be held in the middle of the city at rush hour. Ouch. Everybody pretty much said they were going to take the train there. I had to buck the trend.

I made sure I left early to drive all the way into the city. The drive started out good. Then it slowed to a crawl in the city. I drove by where I went to high school. Then I missed my turn. Went around a couple circles, found the place, but missed the one parking space by the meeting place.

Well I circled around a couple blocks. Found a little VW Beetle leaving his parking spot. I did a quick U-turn, and claimed the spot. They had some weird way to pay for parking. You don't put coins in a meter by your parking space. You walk down the block to purchase a receipt to put in your window. What the heck? I only had 2 maximum of 2 hours parking. When my time was up, I snuck out of my meeting, then came home.

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