Thursday, October 28, 2010

Stepping Up

Today it turns out a lot of the family needed to go the library. But Momoko and Little Kat came home late. We had Little Kat check the library hours. Ooops. They close early tonight. So the only thing we could do was go play some tennis.

As we got to the park with the tennis courts, we saw a couple entering the courts. They usually play beside us. We passed them and went to the far court. In the beginning, Little Kat was slacking. None of his shots were going over the net. He was not moving any on the returns. He would just swing his racket wildly.

I taught him how to bounce the ball on the ground before serving. Then I tried putting him in the back court to get him moving some more. Momoko had an even better idea. She say out for a few rounds, and pitted Kit Kat and myself against Little Kat. There was no more room to slack. Little Kat had to work the whole side of the court against Kit Kat and myself. He started to step up and return some serves. A few of his hits went into the court next to us. But he continues to improve his tennis game as long as we push him hard.

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