Friday, May 25, 2012

Fed Ex Fail

I have been busy with work this month. My team lead was on vacation for a few weeks. I took over his job when he was gone. We also have a big software delivery due at the end of the month. It is extra tough since I am taking the last week off from work for Kit Kat's graduation. Today I had to make some copies of forms I needed to send in to the main office. Since I work at home, I headed over to Fed-Ex to make the copies.

I also had to make a copy of our new shed permit. One of the pages was a larger size paper. So I asked for some help. The guy came over and got me started on the copier, but left before he could show me how to choose the larger paper. He said he would be right back. He lied. That's okay. I figured it out on my own.

The Fed-Ex employee returned and said I could copy a bunch of other paper using the automatic feeder. I said I wanted to separate one page that I needed double sided. He said the copier could handle that. That seemed odd. I put the paper stack in the feeder along with the one double sided page. Maybe this guy knew a trick to make the last sheet go double sided. Nope. He made the copier do my whole stack double sided. I get charged for each side that gets copied. He just doubled my cost for the run.

Normally I would complain and get a schmuck like this to reverse the charges due to his error. Instead I just told him to reset the copier to single sided mode. He struggled with that. Then I told him, "I got this." And I shooed him away. Luckily I did not have a huge stack of papers. I finished up my copying and went on my way to do some shopping at Home Depot. They say it is hard to get good help these days. This is the truth.

Did I mention that we got a permit for our huge shed? The county requires some extra support for the roof that will raise the cost. That's okay. The shed vendor needs special anchors placed on my concrete slab. That is driving up the cost a bit too. I think these cost overruns are within my budget. We all can't wait until this shed is installed and ready for use. It is going to be this summer. Finally.

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