Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lawn Burn

I recently went to the hardware store to pick up some supplies with Little Kat. While there, I purchased a couple bags of fertilizer. Never used the stuff before. Thought I would give it a try. I bought bags from different manufacturers. Then I spread the stuff over our front and back lawn on one side.

Nothing happened for the first few days. Then disaster struck. Every place where I spread the fertilizer turned brown. What the heck? At first I thought maybe the grass would suffer and then come back strong. Nope. I must have overfertilized, spread it during the wrong season, and not watered the grass properly. Now the lawn is doomed.

I am not down for the count. I might just replace the burnt grass with sod. Or I could go back to the seeds and grow the lawn from scratch. It is a shame because I spread the fertilizer over some of our best new grass. I actually might as well wait a while before replanting the grass. I am having a lot of work done to get our new shed. That work will probably kill off the grass anyway.

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