Monday, May 7, 2012

Paint Colors

Kit Kat was supposed to divide a new gerbil cage I bought in half. The big cage has been divided already. But the small gerbils can get over the mesh wire divide. It is too difficult to secure the mesh in the big cage because of the large exposed area. So I bought a new smaller cage. Kit Kat said she had no mesh wire. I figured we needed these gerbils in a single cage separated by wire. Therefore Little Kat and I went shopping.
Previously I had helped Little Kat move some furniture out of his room. We are planning to paint his walls and put new carpet in. Plus we are going to buy him some new furniture. While moving out the old furniture, I told Little Kat to put on his gloves. He said he lost of of his gloves. Fail. Well I guess we could buy him some work gloves again. I put that on our list as well.
We went to the local home improvement store. Got the mesh. Then we got the gloves. I had a long list of items to buy myself. Finally we went to the paint aisle. Little Kat knew he wanted to paint his walls green. But there were around 50 different shades of green on display. I had him choose his top three. He picked out four and we went home to show Momoko. She immediately dismissed two of the colors as being too dark. Of the remaining two, Little Kat chose the Honeydew color.
Now we just need to pick out a new carpet color for Little Kat's room. We could just choose the same color as our hallway carpet. That's what Momoko and I have in our bedroom. But since we are buying new carpet, and it is Little Kat's room, we might let him make the choice.

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