Friday, May 18, 2012

Final Exam

Today is the last day of classes for the spring semester. I only take one class per semester. There is no time for two classes at once. Today was our final exam. I warned everyone at work that I would be leaving early. Can't miss that final.

After work, I had to take out the trash. Something was smelling funny. While I was doing that, I decided to wrap up some of the larger trash items we put aside. The family snuck out to eat some sushi while I was doing this. The time crept by, and I ended up leaving for college at my regular time. Of course traffic was bad on the roads. That's why I leave a full hour before class starts.

At school, my computer took a long time to boot up. That was a bit disturbing since the final is taken on the computer. That was not as bad as the dude in the front row. His monitor kept going blank. I bet that unnerved him. I raced through the multiple choice. Then I had to write a couple programs. We had a lot of choices. I did not take the easy way out by picking the easy programs.

I made sure I paced myself. The first program took up a lot of time. Luckily I wrapped everything up half way through class. I did one last test of my programs and found the second one I wrote did not work. Ooops. I overwrote the file. That was okay. I pretty much rewrote the thing from memory. Afterwards I treated myself to a large Doctor Pepper at McDonald's for a job well done.

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