Saturday, May 19, 2012

Grad Prep

Kit Kat has her graduation cermony in 10 days. The thing is too big to hold at her school. So they are being held at the state college. I told the family we needed to make a dry run to the college today to scope it out.

Momoko printed out some directions from the web. As we got close to the college, there were signs for "event parking". We also saw a sign that informed us to "park in lots." That gave us a chuckle since it sounds like "parking lots." We parked in the main lot for the building where Kit Kat graduates. Then we searched for some visitor parking. We found some, but it was halfway across the campus. Did I mention that this was a huge campus?

We drove back to the main parking lot. Then Kit Kat, Little Kat, and I got outside and scoped out the building. Momoko stayed in the car to ensure we did not get a parking ticket. You need a permit to park in this close lot. The building was massive. I looked for a spot where the whole family could meet on the day of graduation.

We circled the building. On the South side we had to climb a difficult incline. It took a while to cicle the building. Then the sidewalk ended at what seemed to be a large drop. There was no way we were going to turn around. Little Kat found a path/road leading down to the parking lot where Momoko was parked. Good thing Momoko kept the air conditioning runningin the car. It was really hot outside.

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