Monday, May 21, 2012

Lawn Maintenance

I am very busy with work on the weekdays. Don't get a chance to do any yard work Monday through Friday. Saturday is my rest day. If any yard work is to be done, it must happen on Sunday. We got a late start yesterday. Then we held our weekly family meeting. It was 4pm before I got outside to do any work.

I was busy the past Sunday. So the tasks had piled up. I cut the grass in our front yard. Did the whole nine yards. Weed wacked the edges. Used the leaf blower to blow away clippings. Then I headed to the back yard. Had to pick up a bunch of branches and sticks that fell down. Then I cut the entire lawn. It was getting a little high. Finished up trying to move the dreaded steep hill. Only got a part of the way down. My right boot is broke down (shoelace is toast). So I don't have traction to work the hill.

Instead I went to the bottom of the hill and worked my way up with the weed wacker. It was still tough work. Easier than doing it with the lawn mower. What makes it harder is that the new lawn mower broke down. That is the lighter one. I have been forced to use the old heavy duty (and heavy) lawn mower for mowing. After mowing I tried to clean out the trash can. We put a dead goldfish in the trash, and it made the can stink.

After all this work, I was ready to pass out. It only lasted 3 or 4 hours. But it was hard work. I was scheduled to move some furniture with Kit Kat too. That just had to be postponed. Even after a short nap, I did not have the energy for moving furniture. Besides, my joints hurt. I only mowed the lawn. But I was broken. I even felt a small fever coming on me. I knew what to do. Get to bed and let the body recouperate.

There will be other times this week to move furniture. I might even hire some day laborers to come in and move the furniture for us. I am sure Kit Kat will be down with that plan.

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