Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Afternoon Surprises

I had a busy morning at work. Was presenting a document first thing in the morning. The at lunch I was the lead technical guy for a discussion with the customer. I did not have a lot of time to eat lunch. That's okay. Kit Kat was planning to cook us fried chicken for dinner. That meal is always good. So I just grabbed a five dollar footlong sub at Subway

Early in the afternoon, I heard someone come come. It was Kit Kat. She took the afternoon off from her work to take care of some business at home. Fine by me. Around quitting time, Little Kat called me up from my study for a family meeting. Momoko wanted to take Kit Kat shopping at Target. That meant she could not cook dinner. Oh no. Little Kat stepped in and made us some spaghetti instead.

After dinner, we were supposed to do our weekly cleaning. Momoko was just too tired. The kids scrubbed the kitchen floor. This was long overdue. I gathered the recyclying and took it to the curb. I also set the trash cans up, since they were wet from being on the curb last night in the rain.

Then I turned off our central heating, and went to the basement for a nasty job. I planned to clean out our furnace blower of dust. I wanted to hire the electric company to do this. But I never got around to it. When they last came over to service the heating system, it seemed like there was a large buildup in there.

I was very surprised to find very little dust in the blower. Where did all the stuff go? I cleaned out our electric filters. Then I grabbed some dust piles and bagged them up. Was done in less than a half hour. Sweet!

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