Sunday, February 10, 2013

Order Failure

Momoko needed a late night snack last night. Kit Kat was home. So Momoko was going to send her out to pick us up something. Kit Kat suggested that she just place an order online for delivery. Momoko agreed, and asked for a deep dish pizza. I asked Kit Kat to get me some parmesan bites. And I told her I needed the ranch dipping sauce. Kit Kat got herself some weird cheesy bread.

The order arrived shortly after. Kit Kat got the stuff from the delivery guy at the door. The guy was doing a bunch of flirting with Kit Kat. Once the guy left, she went into the kitchen to prepare the food for us. She told me that the guy forgot the ranch sauce. Kit Kat thought that was no big deal. I emphasized that the ranch was the most important ingredient.

Momoko told Kit Kat to call the store and get the ranch sauce delivered. The guy did not show up. Kit Kat had to call the store a number of times. Eventually she got in touch with the store manager, who said some new parmesan bites and ranch sauce would be delivered.

Two hours later, I finally got my snack. Luckily I had a big dinner and was not hurting. In the future, I think we might need to send Kit Kat in person to pick up the goods. That way she can immediately get problems fixed right at the store.

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