Friday, December 20, 2013

Grumpy Cat 2014

I am a bit late in ordering a wall calendar for 2014. Usually I just pick up whatever is cheap from the stores or Amazon. This year I looked for a calendar that I would love to look at all year. That's when I saw it. There is a Grumpy Cat calendar for 2014.

Bad news. The calendar is on backorder at Amazon. I need a calendar. Don't know when I should wait for this one. There is a backup plan. Amazon has a Walking Dead calendar ready to ship now. I might pull the trigger on that one. Ha ha. No pun intended, really.

While looking at all thing Grumpy Cat on Amazon, I found that Grumpy Cat has his own book. Oh yes. This might be as good or even better than a calendar. How can I not purchase this book for myself? Things are already looking up for 2014. Thank you Grumpy Cat for being so mean but lovable.

1 comment:

Black Cat said...

P.S. Little Kat bought me a copy of this book for Christmas. Our minds are on the same wavelength.