Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Boyfriend

I had to work the day after Thanksgiving. Had a project due. There were some security access problems on the network. I was working hard right up until quitting time. I had to finish on time. The family was waiting for me. So was Kit Kat's friend who came by the house early to meet the family.

Kit Kat had met the guy on some online dating site. He goes to the university that Kit Kat wants to get her Bachelors degree from. They had gone out on a date before. Now things were starting to get real.

Momoko was supposed to pick us up some tacos. However something went wrong with that plan. I recommended we just go out to our favorite Mexican place. The whole family piled into two vehicles. We had quite a time listening to Kit Kat's new guy talk about life. He gravitated toward very techinical subjects.

After dinner we returned home to play some board games. Then I retired to the bedroom. The rest of the family played video games with Kat Kat and her guy. Later Kit Kat and her man went out with Kit Kat's friends for a movie and a late night snack. Kit Kat came home real late. Her guy was even later getting home.

Introducing Kit Kat's new boyfriend. Woo hoo.

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