Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Flight Home

We needed to print our return flight boarding passes a day before the flight. The only problem was that we would be in a movie when the boarding passes became available. We wanted to get low number passes to get good seats on the plane. Grandpa volunteered to stay home and print out our passes.

The night before our flight, we packed our bags. It took an extra trip over to the kids' uncle's house to collect their belongings. The kids' cousin spent the night to say goodbye. I used the GPS to get us to the air port. Drove all the way to the back of the garage to find my rental car company return.

Inside the airport, I followed the signs to get to our gate. The family did not follow me. I came back and they told me we had to check our bags first. Duh. The line to check bags was short. I worried that Momoko's big bag may have weighed too much. It didn't.

My boading pass was first. I entered the plane and found a window seat. Unfortunately I was in front of a little kid who kicked me seat a lot. At least his parents were on guard to scream at the kid to tell him to stop kicking. Little Kat and Kit Kat say next to each other. Even though the captain said we had a full flight, Momoko got lucky and sat in a row with one empty seat.

After landing, we collected our bags quick. Took a crowded bus to the satellite parking. Kit Kat wandered the satellite lot searching for the exit. They charged us eight and a half days for parking. Kit Kat drove us home and proceeded to fall asleep in bed before dinner. We all missed our premium beds and mattresses we have at home.

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