Thursday, January 2, 2014

Getting Back on the Horse

I did not make any new year's resolutions this year. Don't really believe in that. However I did read a lot about people vowing to get back to the gym to get healthy. I figured I might as well do the same. Not because it is a new year. But because it is good to be healthy.

Last year I lasted a few months. Then I got real busy. It was easy to let go of the exercising. The reason I started up last year was because Momoko wanted to throw out our exercise equipment. That stuff cost a couple grand. So I felt like I needed to get a couple grand worth of value out of it. Still not there.

Today I started light. Walked on the treadmill for 5 minutes. Then I did 5 minutes on the recumbant bike. Did not lift any weights. Also did not use the elliptical. While I was exercising for the whole 10 minutes, I read a somewhat boring book on my Kindle. Perhaps that will be something new I do this year while exercising.

The trick will be to keep up with the exercising through the hard times. Let's see how long I last.

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