Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Emissions Testing +1 to 14

Kit Kat has needed to take her car for emissions testing. She was taking her time, dragging her feet actually. We needed to put her on the hook to get this done. She agreed to do the task today. However she needed a helper to come along with her. I volunteered to go at lunch with her.

I wrapped up my morning work. Then Kit Kat came down and we were off to the races. I told her she should take the main highway to the emissions testing center. However Kit Kat wanted to take the route that was closest to her journey to college. It was raining. We made it okay to the center though.

Right after we arrived and got in line, many other cars came behind us. We arrived at the best time. The test took little time. Afterwards I had Kit Kat drive us to a good Chinese food restaurant. They had some delicious specials available. I recalled when I used to go there every week when I worked close by. Good times.

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