Sunday, January 5, 2014

Five to Six +1

Years ago, the family exerised together by walking around the neighborhood. We would bring flashlights so cars could see us. I also wore a vest with glow in the dark colors on it. It was good times, except that Momoko had trouble making the walk. I told her she could start small, and add some distance each day. That just did not work out.

I figure the theory is sound. Build your way up to higher endurance. Now that I am picking up exercising again, albeit very slow, I should build up my exercise too. The other day I did 5 minutes on the treadmill and 5 minutes on the bike. Today I did 6 minutes on the treadmill and 6 minutes on the bike. I did not feel any extra fatigue.

Next time I will do 7 minutes. Maybe I will work my way up to 30 minutes eventually. At that point I will have some staying power. Instead of increasing the time, I will then increase the pace at which I walk and bike. Good stuff. Right now I am only walking on speed 2 of 10. I got a long way to go to max out the treadmill.

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