Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Passing of Mom

When I woke up this morning, I had a couple calls from my brother. My mom had passed away in the morning. I got in the car and hurried over. My brother wanted me to see mom before the people from the funeral home took her away.

I drove my father and brother over to the funeral home after they came and got her body. There were a lot of decisions to be made about her funeral. My dad sat though the beginning of the meeting, but he got too hot and agitated at the lengthy discussions.

My brother and I debated the right casket to bury mom in. Mom knew her time was near. She had already written her own obituary. She wanted to be known for her flower gardening and organic vegetables. Back at home, my brother and I searched through mom's clothes to find something appropriate for us to bury her in.

I actually had to run to college class late in the afternoon. There I made plans to skip the next class. Tomorrow we go to arrange to buy a plot for our family, and solidify the burial plans. Goodbye mom. I know you were the number one reader of my blog.


Momoko said...

When I think of her, I always think of her surrounded by beautiful flowers...she chose the first day of spring, the day of rebirth, to slip away from us. I know she loved your blog posts and I am glad you are still writing them..your words are your greatest gift

Black Cat said...

Yes mom was an avid reader of the Chinwagger blog. The words I continue to type go over the airwaves to reach the Blogger server for storage. I wonder if mom is still watching over, reading the stories documented here.