Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Cheer

Little Kat and I noticed that there were few Christmas lights on our street. He suggested we get some and hang them up. That sounded like a lot of work to me. Momoko agreed with Little Kat and bought some lights. Little Kat and Momoko hung them up. Some of the lights are a bluish-white set of icicles hanging from the gutters. There are also some bright LED colored lights in the bushes. It was a lot of pain getting those lights hung up.

While the lights were being hung, Kit Kat lead the effort to put up out Christmas tree. Some furniture had to be reshuffled. Kit Kat and Little Kat struggled to move our recliner chairs out of the room. We got the Polar Express train secured around the tree. The kids hung the ornaments, lights, and cancy canes. Now we need to add some gifts under this tree.

At night we heard a bunch of sirens outside. They kept getting closer to the house. A big fire truck came up our cul de sac. On top of the truck were two firemen dressed up as Santa Claus. I guess they are looking for some donations this holiday season.

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