Saturday, December 31, 2011

Party Preparations

Kit Kat had been planning to have a few friends sleep over during the Christmas break. Momoko suggested that Kit Kat invite some boys over as well for a party. Kit Kat agreed. Her friend's love when she makes her cheese fondue. So she and Momoko went shopping the day before. Unfortunately they went late at night. There was no french baguette bread available for dipping into the cheese. They decided to return to the store on the day of the party.

The family is staying up late each night since it is vacation. I am usually the first one up around noon each day. In the mid afternoon, I warned Momoko that she and Kit Kat should go to the store and buy some bread. Two hours before the party, Momoko asked if I could take Kit Kat grocery shopping. It turns out that Momoko had to go to the library with Little Kat before it closed. Poor planning. Kit Kat drove me to a crowded grocery store. We got 4 loaves of baguette bread. Just before the party started, Momoko had me go out and buy some subs for dinner. I brought Little Kat along for the ride (and to help use some of the coupons I had). When we returned home, everyone had arrived for the party. Don't these kids know how to arrive fashionably late?

There was a lot of dancing going on at the party. The dancing was part of the new Xbox game Kit Kat bought. I was impressed with the large number of songs the game has. Momoko and I try to stay out of the way during Kit Kat's party. A couple hours into the party, I heard Little Kat talking with Kit Kat's friends. Then I heard Kit Kat trying to shoo Little Kat away. I came down to investigate. Apparently some party goers talked to Little Kat, and he was only too happy to join the party. I inatructed him to politely ignore anyone talking to him, and to stay upstairs away from the party goers. We did allow Little Kat to come downstairs to snack on som eof the pizza that Kit Kat cooked.

At midnight, we kicked the boys out of the house. I had to drive one of the guys home. Good times for all.

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