Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gerbil Mania

I was tired this morning and decided to stay home from work. That's okay. I was ahead of schedule at work. I also have the ability to work from home. People who really need me know how to track me down to call me.

I was being productive in our computer room. Then I heard a commotion coming from our TV room. The noise would not go away. I came in to see a flurry of gerbil activity. Out home gerbils were wrestling with each other. They were also running in their wheel, with bedding flying around.

The main disturbance was coming from the big school gerbil cage. I guess Little Kat did not bring them back to school today. Some gerbils were violently scrating at thier little wooden house. Others were scrating at the cardboard box placed in their cage. another was in their bath flinging corn meal around. And some were digging like crazy, making the bedding fly.

Not sure why these lil guys were wild. Maybe they heard me and wanted some attention. Perhaps the leaf blower or lawn mower noise from outside drove them batty. Eventually they calmed down and went to sleep. Sheesh.


Gayle said...

It never fails that when we need to work the most is when our pets act up. Our dog has a sixth sense about that. But, at least we can work from home. It's better than being anywhere else. :-)

Start Boarding said...

It is very help for pet animal http://www.starboardingkennels.co.uk

Black Cat said...

I am finding that I work from home more and more now. Initially I did not like mixing work and home life. But I find it convenient these days. Our gerbils keep my company.