Friday, December 9, 2011

The Daily Walk

The family had planned to walk three times this week. On Wednesday it was raining. Momoko also had a tough day at work. So I let us skip Wednesday. Little Kat said he made up for the missed day by walking on the treadmill on Thursday.

Today Kit Kat had an after school activity. She wanted to eat dinner with her friends after that. So the family decided to walk without her. For some reason, Little Kat decides to run ahead of us until he is out of site. At the half way point where we normally turn around to go home, Little Kat suggested we go a bit farther. Momoko said we could but she would not join us.

So Little Kat and I went to the next bend in the road. I was surprised with the amount of trash I found on the streets. Need to bring a trash bag and a little grabber next time we walk. The grabber let's me pick up items without bending over or touching them. When Little Kat and I got hoome, we found Momoko on the bench outside out house. She did not have a key to get in. Ooops.

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