Friday, December 16, 2011

Cold Cat

Yesterday it was surpringly warm for December. Momoko said it was 60 degrees or so. Kit Kat cooked pork chops and sides for dinner, heating our house up even more. By night time, Momoko and I were hot. So I turned off the heat and opened up a window. The house cooled down a bit after an hour.

Momoko wanted me to close the window when she went to bed. No problem. I stayed up a bit longer and went to sleep myself. Today I am working from home. At lunch time I felt that my feet were very cold. That is strange. We set the heat so that I am usually comfortable. I did not give much more thought to this problem.

Later as I walked around the house, I figured something was not right. I was cold. Then I figured it out. I never turned the heat back on. It was around 60 degrees in the house. Ouch. Let's hope this thing heats back up now.

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