Monday, March 26, 2012

Party Time

One of Kit Kat's friends turned 18 years old this month. Another of Kit Kat's friends thought they should throw a birthday party for him. What better place to have the party than our house? Kit Kat cleared it with me and Momoko. The party was set for Saturday night.

Usually Momoko foots the bill for the parties at our house. But this time the party was for somebody else. So she told Kit Kat to have her friends chips in. One of the boys bought the pizza. Another brought assorted chips. A girl baked a cake, and I think another got a card.

The party people arrived as me and my bro were wacthing a DVD. That's okay. The party was in the basement. I felt sorry for the birthday boy. They made him carry in a large cake, tons of helium ballons, and other birthday items. Isn't the birthday boy supposed to take it easy on his birthday?

Halfway through the party, we heard a big boom downstairs. Little Kat said he was disturbed and decided to investigate. I told him to chill, and sent Momoko down instead. Turns out the birthday boy was playing the Xbox, jumped up in the air, and hit his heard on the ceiling. It is amazing that he did not get a concussion.

Kit Kat said everyone, including birthday boy, had tons of fun at the party. As usual, I kicked the boys out around midnight. The girls stayed over for a sleepover with Kit Kat. Now we await the next big celebration at our house.

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