Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Alarming Situation

Kit Kat was not feeling well today. We had planned to go putt putt golfing at her request. However she wanted to skip it now. So after lunch, we drove back towards the hotel. I heard my phone go off as we neared the hotel. We parked and saw the fire alarm flashing on our hotel building. I checked and found that Momoko had called me. She had to evacuate the building. I told her to meet us at the car. We picked her up and got the heck out of dodge. I did not want to get blocked in by the fire trucks and ambulanaces that were arriving.

We drove West for a while. Momoko spied some smoke in the distance across the bay to the North. I wanted to head North. We did make a small detour North to visit the beach community there. The homes were all custom. They had very little land. Then we headed South to stay away from fire trucks. We ended up on the main road to enter the beach. As we neared the beach, I headed towards the hotel.

Momoko was concerned that our gas was running low. I asked Little Kat to determine whether gas costs the same whether you pay with cash or credit. He was unable to do so. I showed him how to tell. Then I handed him a lot of money, because Momoko thought her car would require a lot of expensive gas.

Little Kat pumped the car full. I was disturbed that he had no clue how much change he was due. I accompanied him back into the gas station to ensure the change was correct. Back at the hotel, I asked Little Kat to estimate a dinner bill if our meals cost $35 and our drinks $2.50. He had no idea how to attack such a problem, even when I gave him pen and paper. He requested a calculator.

I sat down with Little Kat and taught him some strategies to figure out problems like this. Note to self: Need to spend some more time with Little Kat on his old school math skills.

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