Sunday, April 29, 2012

Furniture Upgrade

Momoko is getting her own study. It is our fourth bedroom that used to be my study. I am moving my stuff downstairs. Momoko need a lot of bookshelf space. Right now she has none. We place to move a bookshelf from the basement up for her.

Momoko decided that a small area behind the closet door could house a second bookshelf. It had to be small to fit back there. Momoko looked around and decided she wanted one from Ikea. I thought we could drive my truck there today to pick one up. Momoko talked me into bringing her car. After all, this wss going to be a small bookshelf.

We got to Ikea in the afternoon. The parking lot was jammed. We got lucky and got a close packing space. Inside we headed upstairs to find a maze. I had Momoko talk to the information people to get us to the bookshelf department. It took a long walk through the maze to get there. The bonus was that the bookshelf Momoko wanted was on sale. Ikea is really good for inexpensive furniture.

We had to then go downstairs in the store to locate the bookshelves that we could bring home. Upstairs only had the floor models. The lower level was also a maze. Momoko found a shortcut. We borrowed a cart that was parked in a corner, and wheeled the bookshelf out. The thing was really long. It barely fit into Momoko's car. I wish we had brought the truck. That's what the truck is for.

As I was loading the bookshelf into Momoko's car, it started to hail on us in the parking lot. Great. At home, Little Kat helped me unload the large and heavy bookshelf into the house. Little Kat fears he will be the one who has to put the thing together.

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