Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trip by GPS

It was finally time to return the license plates for the Beetle. No need to keep them anymore. I can't cancel my insurance until the plates have been returned to the state. So I took a little trip the other day.

I kind of knew where the Department of Motor Vehicles was located. However I typed the adress into my GPS anyway. It took me there via a short cut. There was one problem though. The area had a lot of construction. I was able to look at the map on the GPS and figure out a few detours.

At the DMV, I got assigned a ticket with a number on it. Had to wait until I was called to the desk. It did not take that long. I think the plate return line moves very quickly. Some other people were not as lucky.

The GPS got me there. I figured it could take me home. At first I was leery because it had me going down a narrow residential street. Then it told me the next turn was a street near my house. That could not be right. I was in a whole different town. Then I figured out why the next turn was so close to my home. The road I was on was a major one. It changes names a couple times, but comes out right by our house. Brilliant.

1 comment:

Momoko said...

GPS, gotta love it!