Friday, July 26, 2013

Who Needs Credit?

Some workers on my team are tasked with helping the next generation system that needs to be done. Apparently they did not want me working on that task. This was fine by me. I have enough work to keep me busy. But here is the thing. The people working on this task just do not understand how the current system works. They need to. How are they going to figure any of this out? They got to come to me.

The guy that leads my team called Shennanigans. The managers were making a big deal about being able to carry the new task without using me. But behind the scenes they need a lot of help from me. My team lead thought there was something very wrong about that. I told him not to worry. It is not like these guys can grab some information from me and be prepared to add value to the new task. It is just not going to happen.

The only way to become an expert on very complex systems like the one I work on is to dig deep into it on a daily basis. You need to do that for years, decades even. Only then can you master all the rules and more importantly the exceptions. So these guys are grabbing all kinds of information from me. But it only gives them a starting point. When anyone asks them probing questions, they got to stop and come back to me.

In the end, I am going to be involved. Some perps might try to appear as if they can handle working on the specifics of the new system coming down the pipeline. But without deep subject matter expertise, they are going to be in for a rough ride. You can't fool the people who need to know the details. The sham will not hold up. This is the benefit of knowing your stuff. You will be in high demand no matter what.

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