Thursday, July 4, 2013

Visit with Mom and More Driving

Yesterday my mom had trouble breathing. She called my brother, who came home and brought her to the emergency room. My brother spent the evening with her at the hospital. Mom stayed overnight. I visited her with my brother and dad. Mom said she was not doing well. She seemed weak and very tired. She needed to nurse to move onto the bed. I will return this weekend to see her again.

I was supposed to practice manual transmission driving with Kit Kat at noon. Had to cancel that for the hospital visit. When I got home, I started working out in the yard. I brought out a whole jug of ice water. Drank the whole thing down. After mowing the front yard, I was exhausted. I barely could find the energy to bag the grass, use the weed wacker, and blow the grass off the driveway. Forget about the back yard.

For July 4th, the family went to a hamburger joint. I had their large burger. Always get a pile of pickles on the side. Also got cheddar cheese plus jalapenos to each with my fries. I was still thirsty from working outdoors. Luckily they have some fancy soda machine that has around 30 choices to drink. I refilled my cup many times.

At home I took Little Kat to the local school for some more practice. I had him try some three point turns, some U-turns, and parallel parking. Poor Little Kat hit the curb a bunch of times. Maybe I should say my car was poor for the abuse. The good news is that Little Kat drove to two of Kit Kat's friend's houses, then drove home. He is advancing nicely. He plans to have his dad teach him the finer points of parallel parking.

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