Sunday, August 4, 2013

Family Meeting Night

Tonight we had our weekly family meeting night. This is where we discuss issues and such. It is the first time we had Little Kat with us since he left for his dad's a month ago. We also had a guest with us - Momoko's neice. Little Kat gave a speech on his trip with his dad. He was surprisingly coherent in his speech. Maybe the practice is paying off.

Momoko's neice also volunteered to give a speech. She talked to us about Homestuck. Apparently it is some deep web comic. She was also pretty calm for being in front of the whole family. However it was hard to follow the details of her web comic topic. This is no small Sunday paper comic. Tons of characters and history. We stopped her after a while, and scheduled a second part where she will share more later in the week.

After family meeting night, the kids went to try out some Japanese treats. My mom is too sick to eat anything. However my aunt keeps sending her foods. So mom sent me home with some goodies for the family to try. Momoko and I are not adventurous enough to try Japanese desserts. The kids tried them all. The liked most of them. However there was some weird bean paste that they were not keen on.

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