Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yoda Lives +1

I needed to run a job at work. But I had to wait until another one finished. The problem was that I had to go to school in the afternoon as well. I called up a coworker and informally agreed with him that we would run the job when I got back from school at 8pm.

After school I came home and Little Kat said I needed to call Momoko. She was supposed to pick up dinner for the family. She said we should go out to eat. No good. I needed to return to work. Kit Kat picked us up some burgers at Wendy's.

As I waited for the food to come home, I took a rest in my bed. Figured I might be working late into the night. Had to relax for just a bit. Then I heard a conversation in the other room. It was only Little Kat and me in the house. I heard Little Kat talk, and Yoda replied to him!

I guess Little Kat has perfected my Yoda imitation. Ha.

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