Thursday, June 12, 2014

Boys in the Hood

Today I met my friend at the library near her house to go over progress on a video game we are writing. She wanted to play some billiards afterwards. I tracked down a pool hall close to the library. Before I got to the library, I went to scope out the place.

My GPS took me the long way to the pool hall. When I got there, I saw a lot of people on the tables. It was a bit sketchy since I had to head towards the city. The neighborhoods are not too good the closer you get to the city from my side of town.

I asked my friend if she felt comfortable going into such an environment. Normally she said she tries to stay away from the city. But I guess she was game and hungry to shoot some pool. We brought her little sister along. I guess that was for moral support.

We got a table near the front of the place. There was a least one nice chair to sit in by that table. We pretty much all sucked at pool. My friend's little sister hit quite a few balls into the pockets. There were three of us playing the same table at the same time. It was informal fun.

I was surprised at how low a price we got charged for playing. We were there less than an hour. I think the manager gave us a nice discount. My friend's sister was happy with this arrangement, and bought an ice cream at the billiards hall.

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