Saturday, June 7, 2014

Surprise Return

I had previously bought a chair from Office Depot. It was half off. The chair was really nice. I brought it to my dad's house. However I have two computers in my dad's basement. I got tired wheeling the chair between the two computers. So I ordered another one.

The second chair was a disaster. The thing was totally uncomfortable. I figured I had better warn other customers. I wrote a scalding review on Office Depot's site. Someone from the store emailed me to see if I wanted to return the chair.

I had a bunch of questions. I emailed Office Depot's support staff. Instead of answering my questions, they scheduled a return of my chair. WTF? I called them up and said I needed questions answered, not a return. The customer support rep answered my questions. Look like I can return the chair with little hassle.

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