Friday, June 13, 2014


Little Kat wanted to skip the last few days of school. He said they just round up all the kids in the cafeteria. There are no classes. Nothing is learned. Momoko allowed him to skip. However he needed to complete all his homework.

Unfortunately Little Kat did not have all his English assignments. His plan was to have Kit Kat drive him to school in the morning. He would get his assignments from his English teacher and return home immediately. Things did not go as planned.

As soon as Little Kat arrived at school, they made him go to the cafeteria. He could not leave. Kit Kat did not get dressed. She just hopped in the car with her pajamas and was hoping to return home quickly. No such luck. Momoko followed up and made some phone calls on Little Kat's behalf.

Luckily, Little Kat was able to leave the cafeteria and see his English teacher. He obtained his assignments. It just took a long time. Kit Kat had been waiting for a long time in the parking lot. She had to return home to get dressed to go help Momoko. Little Kat got a pick up later in the morning. But he had to go with Kit Kat to help Momoko at school.

The lesson learned here is to not allow the kid to skip school. Problem solved.

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