Friday, January 29, 2010

Art Class

This is the second semester of the school year. Little Kat has started art class. He had a long list of art supplies to get. Momoko and Kit Kat watched some British movie tonight. So Little Kat and I went shopping.

We went to this arts and crafts store. They had tiny shopping carts. Little Kat had his list. He checked off each item as we found it. It was tough to find a box to contain his art supplies. The hardest item to find at the store was masking tape. Go figure.

When we got home, Kit Kat and Momoko were snacking on jalapeno appetizers that they had baked. They left a little bit for Little Kat and me. Now that everyone is asleep, it is time for me to look into ordering a new vacuum cleaner. They want me to get one like Grannie Kat's....

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Looks like you had a busy day. I sure hope you got some of those