Thursday, January 14, 2010

School Plans

Tonight Momoko and Kit Kat went to the high school. There was a meeting to plan out Kit Kat's classes next year. She needs to do some type of internship. And she has to take an advanced placement class. Sounds hard.

I tried to catch a nap. But Little Kat was playing Mario Bros on the Wii. Thus there was a lot of noise. No chance of getting any shut eye. Somehow Little Kat lost our game progress and power ups. Shame shame.

Tomorrow I get the day off because I worked last weekend. I am picking up Kit Kat from school. Check you lata.


Grand Kat said...

Are you going to play Wii on your day off??

Black Cat said...

I actually worked on my day off. Did a lot of laundry. Paid the bills. Bleached out the mold. Picked up Kit Kat from school...