Monday, January 18, 2010

The Princess and the Failure

For Christmas our family received some movie gift cards. We voted and decided to watch The Princess and the Frog. The line for tickets at the theater was long. Then we needed some nachos, making us a bit late for the movie.

When we got in, we headed to the top row like normal. Then some lady in the audience screamed that the sound problems would be fixed after the previews. It was then that I realized there was a loud buzzing noise every so often in the audio.

The movie started. However we kept getting loud buzzing noises. Momoko and I ate up our nachos and exited the theater. I got the ticket lady to refund our ticket prices. We had bought a Cherry Coke for five bucks. I got that money refunded as well. We went home and planned to see the movie next week. But we are definitely going to another theater. Good luck to us.


Grand Kat said...

Hopefully next time you will be able to see the movie with OUT the sounds effects.

Black Cat said...

Yeah. We are scheduled for next Friday at a new theater.