Monday, April 26, 2010

Birthday Weekend

On Saturday I figured it was time to get serious about eradicating these dandelions. I went back to pulling up the roots. When I finished the latest batch that had popped up, I started filling the holes with fertilizer and dirt. Then I spread out some grass seed.

I got done with about a third of the lawn. It was some backbreaking work. During my lawn labor, Kit Kat's guests started arriving for her overnight birthday party. My yard work took over 6 hours on Saturday. So when I got inside, I just wanted to rest. Kit Kat told me they had an emergency. One of her friends lost his ride. He needed somebody to go pick him up.

Now Momoko was busy greeting the parents of guests that showed up. Kit Kat was also required to stay to greet her guests. That meant Little Kat and I took a road trip. Luckily I had dropped Kit Kat's friend off from school a number of times. I knew exactly where he lived - the other side of town. We got him and headed back to the party.

The highlight of Kit Kat's party was opening her presents. She got some card from Momoko that referenced "Twinkies". Kit Kat thought that meant she was supposed to go to Momoko's car. However the envelope directed her to look under our bed. Kit Kat's friends thought the gift might be a gigantic Twinkie suit, or maybe a little dog named Twinkie. It turns out Momoko got Kit Kat a new laptop for her birthday. Kit Kat was so happy she was crying.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Kit made out like a bandit, hope you did too.