Saturday, April 10, 2010

A New Twist

Momoko got a call from the library. Some books that Little Kat requested were in. I was going to take him to the library to get them. However Momoko said we also received a letter from the library stating a book was overdue. We thought the book might be lost.

Little Kat at first responded that he thought he already returned the library book. Then his story changed into him lending the book to Kit Kat, and not returning it. Typical of him to throw Kit Kat under the bus. We did go to the library and searched the shelves. Little Kat found the book he returned. It had the exact bar code of the book he checked out. The library people said it was ok and Little Kat did not need to pay any fines or replacement costs.

The library visit was so quick that Little Kat and I decided to drop by the wireless phone store. Little Kat is the only member of the family that does not have a cell phone with a keyboard for texting. He did some research and found that he was interested in the Samsung Inensity, Nokia Twist, and Verizon Razzle. In the store he decided on the Twist. There was just one problem. It was going to cost us $279 for the phone. Now I am all for Little Kat texting. However that is just too much money. We came home and found one on eBay that has a current bid for $73. I might just try to win that auction.


Grand Kat said...

I too think that is to much for a phone that might get lost. I don't evem have a texting phone. I like to talk to my people.

Black Cat said...

I am trying to get a good deal on eBay. The Nokia Twist is out because even on eBay it is too expensive. But Little Kat's 2nd choice is available.