Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Life of the Patrol

Momoko had to go to college class today. So I had to leave work early to get Little Kat from school. I was working as fast as I could. And I made sure I did not volunteer for any new work to be done today.

I got to Little Kat's school and waited at his safety patrol spot. The weather was very hot. I was directly under the sun. My work shoes are black. The sun heated them up so much during my wait for Little Kat that my foot hurt.

While waiting for Little Kat's patrol duty to end, I read the paper and practiced a presentation I need to give at work later this week. However I still spied on Little Kat in action.

Some kid tried to exit out the wrong door. The kid told Little Kat that somebody else told him he could exit. Little Kat informed this guy that Little Kat was telling him that he could not. Some other kid tried to cut through the line and go the wrong way. Little Kat directed him back into the line. The bus driver got out of the bus and told Little Kat that the rules made no sense.

Normally we teach kids such as Little Kat to obey all direction from adults. Luckily I am sure that the teacher in charge of patrols laid down the rules for kid movement after school. And that teacher's rules trump any bus driver opinions. It was interesting to see how Little Kat ignored the bus driver's commentary. Perhaps I will get Little Kat to inform the bus driver that the rules are determined by the teacher in charge of patrols, and that any complaints need to be taken up with the boss.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Looks like he is doing a good job.