Tuesday, May 25, 2010

End of the Heat

I got 4 window air conditioning units ready to go. Tomorrow my contractor is coming to do some installs. Let's hope he stays long enough to put all the A/C units in. They will be going in each of the bedrooms upstairs.

Things have been just too hot recently. I don't even sleep in my bedroom any more. I sleep in the basement where it is actually cold. The problem is that we have the best pillow top bed upstairs. The basement only has an old queen sized bed that is not as comfortable. But I can't get any shut eye when the weather is too hot.

Tomorrow night I plan to sleep in my bed again. If the A/C units are all in and working, I will crank the temperature down to extra cold. Might even need a comforter on the first night. Ahh I can't wait.


Grand Kat said...

If it is ice cold in the basement and hot upstairs maybe you need some kind of blower to get the cool up stairs. Just saying, don't even know if their is anything like that but it sounds like it would work.

Black Cat said...

I was thinking about a better blower to move cold air upstairs. Other people said I need something to pull the hot air downstairs. The jury is out on how to get the upstairs cold.