Saturday, May 1, 2010

Windshields and Titans

Yesterday I stayed home from work to have my car windshield repaired. The guy came on time. When he was done, I saw some strange paper stuck on the outside of the windshield. I showed the guy and he tried to cut it off. However that uncovered a defective windshield. He needed to go back and get me another one. Nice.

Today I picked up Kit Kat and her friend from school because they had an after school activity. I drove Kit Kat's friend home. Then I had Kit Kat drive us to our house. Kit Kat's friend watched in awe as she took off driving out of his driveway. It was a long ride home. Kit Kat did not want to take the highway. Instead we went on the bumpy back roads. With our luck, a car was abandoned on the busiest road in our lane. Kit Kat had to do a difficult merge in the middle of traffic.

When I got home, Kit Kat and Momoko proposed we go out to eat and see a movie. Little Kat is spending the night over his best friend's house. So I chose to go out to a little Mexican restaurant off the beaten path. Momoko and Kit Kat had full meals. That left no room for dessert. We headed up to our old favorite theater. That is where we watched Clash of the Titans. Good stuff.

1 comment:

Grand Kat said...

Good Movie and eats always a good combination.