Monday, May 3, 2010

Fighting the Bushes

We have 4 or 5 bushes out in front of the house. It has been years since I trimmed them. They are now more like one big bush. So I went to work on them today. First I spread out newspaper to catch all the clippings. Then I got some big shears and cut away. It was very hot today, so this took a lot out of me.

Speaking of the heat, our house is messed up. The basement is totally freezing. And the upstairs is hotter than you know what. At first I thought an HVAC guy could help. Now I am leaning toward installing window A/C units on all the bedrooms upstairs. We got to do something about this crazy heat. I am spending a lot of $$$ on the electric bill. All that is doing is keeping the basement frozen.


Grand Kat said...

If you block the down stairs vents will the cool rise to the top???

Black Cat said...

No we tried that. Somehow the cool air still escapes downstairs with the vents closed. Got to try something more extreme.