Thursday, October 17, 2013

Exam Time

I stayed up late last night. Watched a bunch of Breaking Bad espisodes. Wrote some code to practice for my college class midterm exam. This morning I woke up early. Had to be ready for my handymen to come by to work on the house. They replaced two windows upstairs. I have identified those windows as our escape routes if there is a fire in the house and we need to escape by window.

I ordered casement style window replacements. These are where the window is the size of the opening, and the whole window hinges out leaving the full window space open to climb out. During the day I had a number of people at work asking for help. I gave them some time, but I needed to work on my own task. The guy I am working with is leaving the company this week. I need to complete his work and mine. Not sure if I will make it on time.

My plan was to eat a small lunch, then grab an early dinner before going to class this afternoon. Had an Italian sub for lunch. Maybe I should have skilled the oil on the sub. My stomach did not feel well near the end of work. I left work an hour early to lay down a bit. The family was worried I would oversleep and miss my exam.

I set an alarm to be safe. I turned on the wrong alarm on my clock though. Luckily I did not oversleep. My midterm exam had two parts. I finished the first part in no time. The test was auto-graded. Got a 100% on that one. It boosted my confidence. Then we had to write a couple programs for the second part of the exam. Ha ha. The instructor just chose exercises from our textbook. I do all the exercises on my own. Easy A.

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