Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Toothbrush Trouble

My dentist told me to start using a different toothbrush around a year ago. This one had longer bristles on the end. I had to special order replacements from Amazon. The brush is easy enough to use. The problem is that it has a weird shaped handle. The thing did not fit in our standard tooth brush holder.

Momoko bought a free standing toothbrush holder. It seemed to be made to fit wide handle brushes like my own. It was a good purchase, until the problems started popping up. The holder is essentially a big cup with custom holder in the top to hold toothbrushes. The problem is that the water sits in the bottom of the cup.

Sitting water is a recipe for disaster. The bottom of this cup started looking like a petri dish. Yeah I could bleach the thing out. But with the standing water, the nasty moldy bottom kept coming back. This got old really quick. I bought a new standard toothbrush holder to experiment with.

The project got put on hold for a long time. Eventually I got back to it. Used a pair of pliers and a long screwdriver to widen the mouth of the holes that hold the toothbrushes. What do you know? It worked. I mounted the modified holder on the bathroom wall. Now we should be good to go.

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