Friday, January 29, 2010

Rendezvous with a Shark

Our floor vacuum cleaner is breaking down. It won't suck up the dirt. The thing is only a year old. We need to choose a better brand and model next time.

I had Kit Kat do the research for me. Momoko wants some wind tunnel sweeper. But the price is huge like $500 or $700 dollars. Rejected due to cost.

Kit Kat found a model called the Shark Navigator. It got some good reviews. It comes with a "free" steam mop if you order online. I think we are going to get it.


Momoko said...

No fair using a big word that I had to look up to figure out the pronunciation. I learned "Rendezvous" is said "RON DAY VOO".

Grand Kat said...

Looks like a good deal.