Thursday, March 10, 2011

Seeing Beastly

The family has been wanting to go to the movies for a while. I am just too busy every weekend. Momoko scheduled us to see Beastly on a Thursday. When today came, Kit Kat looked up the movie times. And I got stuck with driving us in the rain to the theater.

When we got there, some chick in a luxury car almost ran me over as I walked in the crosswalk. We got in the theater at the last minute. But it was a rainy Thursday. So we had some time. I waited for the concessions to bake me a pizza. In the theater, we got our favorite seats on the top row.

The movie was better than I thought it would be. I only wanted to see it because Vanessa Hugens was in it. The rest of the family does not like her. They did a significant change from the original Beauty and the Beast movie. The boys at work thought it was a waste of time to see. I will have to disagree with them tomorrow.

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