Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tree Attack

A large tree branch fell down in the back yard. It must have been due to some bad storms. The branch was huge. It almost looked like a tree itself. Luckily it was far away from the house. However it did not look good. It was propped up in the air by the branches on the big branch.

Kit Kat and I finally got around to dealing with it today. We decided to cut off some of the branches supporting it. That way it would come down to the ground and not be an eyesore. It was tough work. The branch was not dead wood. I cut through a major branch. Then Kit Kat did too.

I had to bring over the ladder to reach up to another big branch holding up the branch. I finished chopping the big branch. When I pulled away this branch I cut off, the whole big branch (tree) came falling down. Unfortunately it smashed into the ladder damaging it. Now this is a metal heavy duty ladder. The hinged metal that connects the two sides got bent. I tried to bend it back into place since this was a birthday gift to me. I guess it was a good thing it hit the ladder instead of me. This was a huge branch that fell down. Somehow we need to get rid of all these branches in the back yard.

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