Monday, September 23, 2013

Declaring a Successful Drive

Momoko wanted Little Kat to invite over some friends for a birthday party. She printed out some invitations that Little Kat needed to hand out. He did so at school. But there was one friend from elementary school that attends a different high school. Little Kat and I made plans to dfive over to this friend's house this afternoon.

I was running a bit late working out in the yard because Momoko wanted to discuss Little Kat's grades in school with me. I hurried up and Little KAt and I were off. I let Little Kat drive for practice's sake. He told me he knew how to get to his friend's house.

Little Kat took a strange turn. I asked him where he was going. He did not know. So I directed him back on track. We made it to the friend's house. Then we started to head home. Some guy was backing out of the a driveway and did not see us. I told Little Kat to stop so we would not get hit. Little Kat did not stop. I told him to stop again. No stop. I reached over and blasted the horn in the car. The other car heard it and stopped.

Whew. My Scion xB vehicle was saved. Then Little Kat got onto the highway. He had to merge from the ramp onto the rightmost lane. There was a dude one lane over that tried to merge into the lane Little Kat was trying to merge to. I told Little Kat to delay the merge so we would not collide. This time he obeyed me. We made it home and Little Kat declared the trip a success. He told me we attained the main objective, which was to deliver the party invitation, plus we did not die. Ha. Little Kat has low standards for success.


Anonymous said...

Haha! At least now little kit kat knows he needs to constantly checking his surroundings when driving :)

Black Cat said...

Yeah. I been trying to keep my car intact. Little Kat seems to head for the curb or other cars a lot. Guess we just have to keep practicing.