Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stunning Software Price

Little Kat told Momoko that he would love to have the Adobe Photoshop software he uses at school. The instructor said they use Adobe Photoshop Extended 5.5 However they are moving to version 6 really soon. Little Kat is hungry for version 6. Of course Momoko asked me whether we could buy it. When she says "we" she means me.

I told Momoko that we might be able to purchase a copy. If it runs for $100, it is a no brainer. Buy. If it costs $200, then I would have to think about it, but it would probably also be a buy. Little Kat did some research. Photoshop costs a whopping $700 to buy. Doh! That is way too much.

I Googled around. Turns out this software is just really expensive. I found a few sites that would discount the price down to maybe $350. Still felt like way too much money. What the heck is this software going to do? There should be some way to get an educational/student copy for around 100 bucks. Got to do more research or something.


Anonymous said...

Yep! Adobe Softwares are costly!
You could the Creative Cloud service that their offering.

It offers different plans.

And you can get the discounted Photoshop from adobe also, but its a teacher/student.

Or you could always you freewares like gimp and inkscape. Both are open source.

Black Cat said...

I did read about the Creative Cloud service. The good thing about that is if Little Kat later finds he no longer needs the software, then I will have only spent for the months of actual use. Student version is $20 per month. Plus we can start with a 30 day trial. Still thinking about this purchase...