Friday, September 13, 2013

Fingernail Fail

Kit Kat usually paints Momoko's fingernails. She draws all kinds of interesting things on there. Her skill has improved, especially since she got some tools for finer drawing. Kit Kat gets some ideas from fingernail polish videos on YouTube. This week Kit Kat dropped one of the polish bottles as she was finishing up.

Kit Kat tried to use Resolve to get the polish out of our white carpet in the family room. She failed. Momoko asked me when we planned to get new carpet. I told her we could get new carpet as soon as Kit Kat stops painting her nails in that room. Why buy new carpet just to have Kit Kat mess up the carpet again.

Momoko told Little Kat that she would pay him if her could remove the polish from the carpet. Little Kat was motivated. He researched some home brew carpet cleaner on the Internet. He used it to scrub out the colors. Then he washed the carpet out with some water. He tried to use our broken carpet cleaner to suck up the execess water. That did not work. He resorted instead to drying the carpet with old towels.

In other news, Little Kat planned to serve up some chicken from the new propane grill last night. It was raining and there was lightning outside. Little Kat was not about to grill anything up in that weather. Momoko decided we should have some BBQ take out. So Little Kat drove us to the restaurant, and we carried out some delicious dinner. Kit Kat missed out because she has late college classes on Thursdays.


Anonymous said...

ah the hazards of nail polish.
I do not get why girls like to paint their nails.
My sisters do that. I don't.
Maybe just when I feel like it. But I only use clear nail polish.
I guess I just like the way I am lol :P

I don't get dolled up lol hahah :P
at least not so much girly :P

Black Cat said...

Today I showed my own mom what Kit Kat does for Momoko's fingernails. My mom was very impressed. You should see some of these designs. It is art work.